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International Commercial and Industrial Division

The International Division handles all manner of diverse and niche business products produced by our many agents around the world with particular emphasis on commercial and industrial fire business. As an example, our portfolio currently includes the following classes on a Direct or Facultative Reinsurance basis:-

  • Woodworkers/Sawmills

  • Plastics/Injection Moulding

  • Cotton Gins/Textiles

  • Recyclers/Waste Products

  • Unoccupied/Court Administered Premises (Chapter 11/Redressement Judiciaire)

  • High and Low Hazard Storage including un-sprinklered locations

  • Cold Stores/Composite Panel risks 

  • Hypermarkets/DIY Stores 

  • Firework/Explosives Manufacturers and Storage

  • High and Low Hazard Storage Risks

Geographically this mixed portfolio is mainly generated from France, Belgium, Greece, Spain and Northern Europe, but also extends to include the Middle East, South Africa, India, Central and South America and more remote territories such as Tahiti, Noumea and La Reunion.

We have a track record for providing cover where risk and exposure might be considered as being high based on the individual risk's processes and final product; quality of risk; financial status of risk or previous poor loss experience. 

Our objective has always been to secure 100% capacity for our Clients for either a Full Value or First Loss/Excess of Loss basis. We strive to offer competitive terms utilising quality security which can be relied upon to meet claims in a fair and timely fashion.

In the main we are able to offer a 72 hours turnaround in providing an indication of terms from our team of experienced brokers and technicians offering a personable service to our Clients.  

We believe that our ability to service claims is as important as our ability to resolve insurance placements and our in house claims team carry a valuable reputation amongst the insurance underwriting community. 

We place several Binding Authorities into the Lloyd’s of London insurance market relying upon local delegated Coverholders to accept business on behalf of nominated Lloyd’s Managing Agents without referral based on pre agreed terms and conditions. This grants our agents an enhanced profile operating in their local market as a capacity provider with ‘A’ rated security.  

We have in place an E.U Property/Business Interruption placement used exclusively for our producing agents where we can offer up to EUR/GBP15,000,000 of Lloyd’s capacity. This limit can be based either on a Full Value, Loss Limit, Excess of Loss or on a PML/SMP exposure basis. 


In addition to this general property/business interruption placement we have an established presence on the Lloyd’s Open Market.

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