High Risk and Contractors Liability Team
Nick Cater
Head of UK
Nick has over 30 years’ experience within the London and Lloyd’s insurance market having worked for various Lloyd’s Brokers including FSJ, Thompson Heath & Bond and Windsor as well as Lloyd’s Syndicates Secret-an and J E Mumford, in that time he has dealt with Property, Liability and Professional Indemnity business.
Nick Joined ARB from Houlder Insurance Services in 2014 to help expand upon and grow the UK Property and Liability lines of business and continues to be involved in the direct Broking and Account handling of the business.
D: +44 (0)20 7280 3182
M: +44 (0)7966 513 878
Paul Hyde
Associate Director
Having joined ARB in May 2007, Paul has almost 30 years experience working for Lloyds Brokers during this time his roles have progressed from Account Handling, Departmental Manager and Technical Management positions.
At ARB Pauls role encompasses overseeing all elements of Placing, Servicing, Compliance and Technical matters to ensure high service levels are achieved and maintained.
D: +44 (0)20 7280 3157
M: +44 (0)7896 985 168